I know you're tired, Momma.
Tired of the constant overwhelm.
Tired of the yelling, threats, bribes and punishments.
Tired of the power struggles.
Tired of the frustration.
Tired of the lack of connection with your kids.
Tired of using screens as a babysitter.
Tired of the constant mom guilt.
Tired of being a mom.
Parenting just isn't what you thought it would be.

I know how you feel, because I've been there.
I'm Jess - and basically, I thought I had this whole parenting thing "in the bag" before I had kids 🥴 - (isn't that how it always goes?)
With a master's in education, a bachelor's in psychology, and over 12 years of teaching preschool and kindergarten, I know A LOT about child development and the mind - a lot more than most moms starting out.
I thought that would make parenting a breeze...or at least a little easier...
And then I had kids.
I found myself snapping and yelling at my toddler.
I felt stressed, depleted, and constantly riddled with mom guilt.
I loved my son way too much to keep going down this path.
I wanted a deep CONNECTION with him and to feel JOY in my parenting.
I decided to make a change - and I knew it started with me.

👉 feeling more confident, calm, and connected in your parenting
👉 handling tantrums and meltdowns with grace OR even having the tools to stop them before they start!
👉 being able to establish and hold boundaries with confidence and love
👉 building a stronger relationship with your children
👉 disciplining your children without the yelling, bribes, threats, punishments or spankings
👉 raising a confident, resilient child
👉 having a better relationship with your partner
👉 having a better relationship with YOURSELF
It's all possible with
The Transformed Parent

Take a Peek Inside

Welcome & Orientation
In our first week together, we will get to know one another and co-create our coaching container.
You'll also get a detailed explanation of what to expect from the course and our time together.

Your Parenting Intentions
This week is all about getting clear on your strengths as a parent, how you support yourself through times of stress, and the power of setting intentions.

The 10 Pillars of Empowered Parenting
Here you'll learn all about what it means to be an empowered parent.
We will also explore parenting patterns that you experienced as a child, as well as your current parenting patterns, in order to gain understanding and create your new empowered parenting plan.

Making Sense of Attachment Science
Week 4 is all about gaining an understanding of the importance of attachment.
We'll explore different attachment styles, your generational patterns of connection and how these generational patterns show up in your parenting.
You will learn how to create a secure attachment within yourself, which will allow you to create one with your children.

Making Sense of Nervous System Science
Understanding how the nervous system works is CRUCIAL for managing your triggers!
In week 5, we will explore your parenting triggers as well as tools that will help you to regulate your own nervous system, so that you can help your child do the same.

Making Sense of Mindsight and Brain Science
This week we'll learn all about how the brain is structured and how the mind works!
You'll learn how to see beyond your child's behavior and identify their needs, how to be curious rather than judgemental, and how to communicate with empathy and compassion.

Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence
Having an understanding of how our brain, body and emotions all work together will allow you to gain a whole new perspective on yourself and your parenting!
This week it all comes together with emotional intelligence - or the ability to understand and monitor your feelings and emotions.

Empowered Conversations
In week 8, we'll explore your generational patterns and belief system around your voice and expression.
You'll also learn the ten-step process of an empowered conversation and the things that block us from communicating consciously and nonviolently.

The PEACE Process, Boundaries & Family Values
Here is where it all comes together! We will take everything you've learned so far and combine it into the five-step PEACE Process, which is the essence of empowered parenting.
You will also learn actionable steps for how to set boundaries based on your family values.

Exploring Anger & Healthy Aggression
In this week, you will learn that all emotions are welcome - including ANGER.
You'll look into your past relationship with anger and aggression and gain a new perspective.
You'll learn how to hold space for your child's anger and understand how to move anger through the body in a healthy way.

Playful Parenting & Storytelling
As an early childhood educator, playful parenting is one of my FAVORITE topics!
You will learn about different play languages, benefits of play (for both you and your child), what is preventing you from engaging in your child's play, and the art of storytelling.
You'll also learn the secret to using play in your everyday life in order to make your parenting feel more FUN, avoid power struggles and strengthen your connection with your child.

Your Personal Transformation
Time to celebrate! 🎉
In our last week together, we will reflect on all of the big and small wins that you've experienced throughout the program.
We will look at your transformation and renew your commitment to continuing on your empowered parenting journey.

The time to become a better parent is now.
Not next week, not next year...RIGHT NOW.
Our kids are only little for so long.
Don't waste another moment wishing things were different.
Every day you wait is another day that you could have spent experiencing the joy of parenting and connecting with your child instead of resorting to yelling and power struggles.
We can't stop time, but we CAN make the most out of every moment with our kids, while we still have it -
because once that time is gone, it's gone forever.
What Parents are Saying

RACHEL D. - Mom of 2 Toddlers
"Going through this course with Jess was one of the best things I’ve done for me and my family. I didn’t realize how much I needed her support, parenting course knowledge, and listening ear - it’s changed my life! It gave me answers to parenting challenges and equipped me to confidently address whatever my kids throw at me without having a breakdown myself.
Jess’s approach to the challenges and the delights of learning how to meet your kids' needs was so helpful and refreshing. I feel like I went from surviving to thriving and I’m so grateful to her!"