You are tired of:
barely making it to (and then THROUGH) bedtime every night
feeling like you're just "Mom" or "Dad" now, and the person you used to be before kids is slowly fading away
feeling drained from the constant pushback from your child - where simple requests turn into full-blown battles, making you question if every day has to be this hard
watching other parents talk and laugh as their kids play together nicely, while you sit alone, just bracing for the next outburst from yours
feeling lost in the sea of developmental milestones, questioning if you're really providing what your child needs to thrive and grow
You want to love parenting and build a strong connection and foundation for your child's life.
You want to actually ENJOY your days with your little ones, so…

You tried reading parenting books...
❌ But who has time to sit down and read when you have little ones running around? Doesn't that feel impossible?

You tried seeking advice and activities from social media..
❌ BUT it can be a mixed bag – sometimes helpful, sometimes not, and it's hard to sift through what's reliable and what's not.

You even thought about asking family and friends...
❌ BUT you know their values don’t always line up with yours and you want to break those generational patterns you grew up with.
Here’s a bold question for you:
What if you could stop the cycle of parenting overwhelm and instead, start experiencing daily joy and connection with your little one?
Sound impossible right now? I used to feel that way too.
I went from being a stressed, overwhelmed yeller to a calm, confident mom who understands my kids and actually ENJOYS parenting (most of the time). 😉
I’ll be honest with you
Getting to this point wasn’t easy

Between earning a master’s degree in education and over 12 years of experience teaching kids between the ages of 1 and 6, I thought this “parenting thing” would be smooth sailing for me.
Not so much.
I quickly found myself feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and unsure of how to handle my firstborn’s big emotions as he moved into toddlerhood.
Add in the stress of a new baby, I found myself yelling at my toddler way too much, losing my patience at the drop of a hat, and feeling constantly flooded with mom guilt.
This wasn’t the motherhood that I dreamed of.
I knew the early years matter the most when setting the foundation for a child’s life - and this was NOT how I wanted that foundation to be. 😭
So I tried…
❌ Following more parenting accounts on social media (but I found WAY too much unreliable advice out there)
❌ Breaking out college textbooks and reading parenting books (but this was SUPER time-consuming with two little ones to care for)
❌ Throwing a ton of money into various parenting courses (while these helped, they were expensive and I wanted more support)

It wasn’t until I decided to enroll in a parent coaching certification program that everything changed.
I started to realize that I needed to stop looking at all of these elements of parenting separately and start creating a system to make them work together.
And that’s when it hit me!
If I could shift my focus to combine supporting my littles through their development while ALSO taking care of myself, I could find the joy I was looking for.
I finally started to see the results I’d been hoping for:
The best thing?
This didn’t just make my life as a mom better - it made EVERYTHING in my life better.
My relationships with my kids, my spouse, and MYSELF have improved so much that I finally have that part of me back that I thought was lost forever.

And this hasn’t just worked for me!
Between my YouTube videos, coaching, teaching, creating courses, and designing educational activities, I’ve helped tens of thousands of parents, teachers, and caregivers just like you connect with and better understand their little ones.

After almost 2 decades of working with parents and young children, I’ve finally combined all of my expertise and resources into a streamlined system so that you can get the most out of your time with your littles.

The first membership exclusively for parents of toddlers and preschoolers that will help you connect with and understand your littles, find the joy in parenting, and support your child’s development.
With my signature framework, The Balanced Parenting Method, you can create a family life filled with peace and connection while supporting your child’s development and taking care of yourself.

Watch this video to learn more:
Your journey to joyful toddler parenting starts here.
But that's not all...
You Also Get These Bonuses:
⭐️ BONUS ⭐️
Access monthly workshops hosted by Jess, along with other guest experts covering topics specific to early childhood and parenting!
Future topics include:
Toddler Nutrition and Picky Eating, Potty Training Tantrums and Big Emotion, Reparenting & Managing Emotions as Parents, Fine Motor Development, Sibling Rivalry, Play, Toddler Sleep, Technology and Screen Time, and so much MORE!
Gain access to NEW tools and resources every month! These will be resources for you (such as guides, ebooks, exclusive videos, workbooks, journals, meditations, scripts, and MORE) AND resources for your child (such as play-based printables and activity ideas).
⭐️ BONUS ⭐️
Get instant access to our private Facebook group where you can ask questions and connect with a supportive group of like-minded toddler and preschool parents!
⭐️ BONUS ⭐️
Get personalized support and answers to your parenting questions with our monthly Q&A call!

Foster emotional intelligence with these printable emotion flashcards! Made specifically for toddlers and preschoolers, these cards include 12 basic emotions to get your child familiar with identifying and naming emotions. Illustration and photo versions both included.
I’ve already bought so many things that didn’t help my parenting.
Why do I need The Life with Littles Lounge?
Our time with our littles is limited - even though it may not feel like it right now. Once it is gone, we CANNOT get it back. It’s normal to not “enjoy every second,” but isn't it worth trying to treasure as many as we can?
For less than the price of a few cups of coffee, you can start LOVING this time with your little ones as you connect with them and support their development - all while taking care of yourself and having a “village” to help you through those tough times.
The Life with Littles Lounge
is for
2 Types of Parents:
Stay-at-Home Parents:
If you're feeling like you're on a never-ending loop of the same day, I've got you covered. In The Life with Littles Lounge, you’ll find engaging activities to keep your child occupied and support their development, expert support, and effective strategies designed specifically for you.
Turn everyday moments into opportunities for joy and learning with your kids, while also emphasizing the importance of your own well-being. Find the balance between nurturing their growth and taking care of you.
Working Parents:
As a working parent myself, I understand the struggle of wanting to be there for every moment yet feeling stretched too thin.
In the Life with Littles Lounge, you'll find flexible solutions to help you connect deeply with your children, support their development, and make the most of your precious time together—no matter how hectic your schedule.
TOTAL VALUE: Over $444
Today's Price: Only $7
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of a membership versus a parenting course?
What makes The Life with Littles Lounge different from other parenting programs?
What style of parenting is this?
How long do I have access to the content?
Who is The Life with Littles Lounge for?
How much time do I need for this?
Why is this only $7 a month?
When will I get access?

Life with Littles Lounge
Access to the Tools & Community You Need for Joyful Toddler Parenting
⭐️ The Balanced Parenting Method Course
⭐️ Library of Tools and Resources
⭐️ Monthly Q&A
⭐️ Monthly Workshops
⭐️ Monthly Limited Edition Tools & Resources
⭐️ BONUS: Toddler Parenting Community
⭐️ BONUS: Emotions Flashcards for Kids
⭐️ BONUS: Giveaways and Accountability Prizes
Cancel Anytime

Life with Littles Lounge
⭐️ Premium ⭐️
Everything in The Life with Littles Lounge PLUS extra support & all-access pass.
⭐️ Everything in The Life with Littles Lounge
⭐️ Monthly Group Coaching Sessions
⭐️ All-Access Pass to Resource Library
⭐️ Workshop Vault
⭐️ LIMITED-TIME BONUS: FREE 60-Minute 1:1 Onboarding & Coaching call with Jess
⭐️ BONUS: Mindful Breathing Cards
⭐️ BONUS: Visual Schedule Cards
⭐️ BONUS: Learning Binder Bundle
⭐️ BONUS: Taming Toddler Tantrums Course
Money Back Guarantee
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely! There is a 7-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.