"“The most powerful way to change the world is to live in front of our children the way we would like the world to be.”
-Graham White

Hey, Momma! I'm so glad you're here.
I'm Jess, parenting guide to moms of littles!
As the oldest cousin on both sides of my large family, I've always been surrounded by kids, which is where my passion for working with young children was born.
I grew up knowing I wanted to teach preschool and kindergarten, which is just what I did for 12 years...until the other job I always wanted to have came along.
Being a mom.
With my background in child development and psychology, I honestly thought staying home with my son would be a bit of a cakewalk.
π₯΄ Not so much...
I found myself yelling at my toddler way too much, losing my patience at the drop of a hat, and feeling constantly overwhelmed and flooded with mom guilt.
This wasn't the motherhood I dreamed of. And I wasn't going to settle for it.
I broke out college textbooks, read all of the parenting books I could get my hands on, watched tons of videos, and consumed all of the information I could about becoming a better parent.
And then I made a commitment.
I became so passionate about this work, that I felt a calling to help other moms who were experiencing the same thing I was.
I enrolled in a parenting coaching certification program and it was the best decision I ever made in my life - (besides marrying my husband and having kids)π.
Being coached changed my life.
I discovered things about myself that I was blind to.
I saw things from my kids' eyes and learned how to handle my own emotions so that I could conquer the overwhelm and be a model for my kids.
My parenting, my marriage, my life started to change.
And now I have the gift of helping other moms do the same.
If you're looking for a perfect parent to show you the way, I'm not your girl.
Parenting is crazy. Pure chaos and insanity (at times).
There are days when I look at my husband after our kids' bedtime routine (feeling like I just got thrown from a tornado) and say,
"What the HECK was THAT?"
But my mission is to help parents learn the tools and techniques so those days are few and far between.
Challenging moments WILL still happen (and anyone who tells you they won't must be a robot), but you'll feel much more calm and confident when they do.
If you haven't already guessed, the early years are my favorite time, but they continually get such a bad rap with terms like "terrible twos," "threenagers" and "fournados."
It doesn't have to be this way!
I want to help you LOVE YOUR LIFE WITH LITTLES while you still have time. Don't just wait it out thinking it's a "phase" or feeling like your just SURVIVING through it.
The first 7 years are the most impactful years of a child's life.
So, if you want a REAL mom who can educate you, show you the tools, help you dig out your parenting superpowers (because they're in there), and laugh or joke with you about the CRAZY yet BEAUTIFUL world of parenting...
Then I'm your girl.
π Certified Parenting Coach
π Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator
π M.Ed with a concentration in Early Childhood Development
π B.A. in Psychology
π Toddler Mom X 2

When I'm Not Coaching or Momming, You Can Find Me...
watching a random episode of The Office with my hubby
("Dinner Party," anyone?) ππ―πΊπ΅π½ππ·
eating wayyy too much sushiπ£ and drinking too much coffeeβοΈ. (Not together, that's gross.)
playing with makeupπ!
I was a freelance makeup artist in college.
It's a creative outlet and a form of relaxation and self-care for me!
Parenting is hard.
I'm here to help.
You don't have to do this alone. Let's explore how we can work together so that you can be the parent you've always wanted to be.