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Want the tools to handle even the toughest toddler tantrums?

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Let me guess...

  • You're tired of feeling overwhelmed and helpless every time your toddler throws a tantrum.
  • You feel like you're walking on eggshells, trying to avoid any triggers that might set off another tantrum.
  • You're struggling to maintain a strong bond with your child amid the chaos and frustration.
  • You find it challenging to manage your own emotions during these trying moments.
  • You long for a peaceful home environment, but it feels like an impossible dream.

You're not alone, Momma.


Although tantrums are a completely normal part of child development, it's ALSO completely normal to feel overwhelmed and frustrated when dealing with them.

After all, as a parent, you want nothing more than to see your child happy and thriving - but when tantrums seem to take over your daily life,

it can be exhausting and disheartening.

It Doesn't Have to Be This Way.


Taming Toddler Tantrums

you'll learn:


What Causes Tantrums and How to Prevent Them

Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying reasons behind your toddler's tantrums. Learn how to identify triggers and patterns in your child's behavior, which will allow you to proactively address their needs and create a calmer environment for both of you. By understanding the root causes, you'll be better equipped to prevent tantrums from occurring in the first place.


How to Respond and What to AVOID When Your Child Has a Tantrum

Discover effective techniques for managing your child's tantrums when they do happen. Learn how to stay calm and composed during these challenging moments, as well as common pitfalls to avoid. 

You'll have the tools to respond to your child in a way that supports their emotional growth, while also teaching them healthy coping skills for the future.


What to Do AFTER a Tantrum

What happens after a tantrum is SUPER important, yet often overlooked! Learn the steps to take after a tantrum to help your child's emotional development and how to care for yourself and reflect post-tantrum. 

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You + This [Product name] = everything you need to get started!

Maybe you've thought ::  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.  ipsum dolor sit amet.. 

Or maybe it ::  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.

Either way, this [Name of Freebie] ::  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus. 

After taking this course, you'll be able to...

  • spot tantrum triggers and address your child's needs before a meltdown occurs
  • confidently handle tantrums when they happen 
  • keep your cool during challenging moments, modeling healthy emotional regulation for your little one.
  • reconnect with your child after a tantrum, fostering a stronger parent-child bond.
  • have a toolbox of effective strategies that support your child's emotional growth

Meet Your Instructor

Jessica Dunne, M.Ed


Hey, Momma - I'm Jess. I'm a certified Parenting Coach, Certified Positive Discipline Educator, and former early childhood teacher.

As a mom of two toddlers myself, I know firsthand the challenges and the emotional rollercoaster that comes with raising toddlers.

I've taken my 15 years of personal and professional experience in child development, parenting and teaching and put together this course.

My mission is to help parents love their life with littles MORE by giving them the knowledge and tools they need to better understand their children and raise emotionally healthy, resilient kids. 

I'm so excited to be with you on this amazing journey of raising the future.

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  • Being able to keep your cool when your child starts to melt down
  • Handling tantrums with grace and confidence.
  • LESS meltdowns and MORE connection with your child
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What's Included


#1- Taming Toddler Tantrums Video Course

4 Modules with 8 Short, Easy-to-Digest Video Lessons 

#2- PEACE Process for Handling Tantrums

Learn my 5-step PEACE Process for how to handle tantrums when they occur.

#3- Tantrum Reflection Sheets

Accompanying worksheets help you to reflect on your child's tantrums to identify triggers.

The Result? 

You'll feel confident, empowered, and equipped with the tools and techniques needed to effectively handle toddler tantrums and bring more peace and harmony to your home.

The Result? 

You'll feel confident, empowered, and equipped with the tools and techniques needed to effectively handle toddler tantrums and bring more peace and harmony to your home.

How do I know if this course is right for me?

Perfect for you if:

  • You're feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from your toddler's frequent tantrums.
  • You're struggling to form a strong, positive bond with your child because of the constant meltdowns.
  • You're tired of feeling judged or embarrassed when your child has a tantrum in public.
  • You want to better understand your child's development 
  • You've tried different techniques to manage tantrums, but nothing seems to work.
  • You find it difficult to manage your own emotions during your child's tantrums.
  • You worry that your child's tantrums are affecting your relationship with your partner or other family members.
  • You dream of a peaceful home environment, but it feels like an unachievable goal.

Not for you if:

  • You're looking for a quick, overnight fix to eliminate tantrums. This course promotes long-term, sustainable strategies that require patience and consistency.
  • You're not willing to invest time and effort into understanding and implementing the techniques taught in the course.
  • You expect your toddler to never have a tantrum. Tantrums are a natural part of child development and this course aims to help manage and reduce them, not eliminate them completely.
  • You're not open to reflecting on your own behavior and responses during your child's tantrums. This course encourages self-reflection and adaptation to effectively manage tantrums.
  • You're not interested in creating a stronger emotional bond with your child. This course is about more than just managing tantrums; it's about improving the parent-child relationship overall.
I'm Ready

Take a Look at What's Inside

Module 1: Understanding Toddler Tantrums

This module will give you a better understanding of what exactly tantrums are, what causes them, and what the heck it is about your child's brain that causes them to meltdown in the first place!

Module 2: Preventing Toddler Tantrums

Tantrums are a NORMAL part of child development. The goal of this course is not to make them go away completely - that's not going to happen - BUT there are things you can do to decrease the frequency and intensity of a tantrum, which is what you'll uncover in module 2. 

Module 3: Responding to Tantrums

Okay you couldn't prevent it and now it's happening - the mother of all meltdowns. So what do you do?!

In this module, you'll learn my 5-step PEACE Process for handling tantrums, so you'll have a framework every time to remain the calm, cool, connected parent that you are.

You'll also learn some common pitfalls to steer clear of during a tantrum.

Module 4: After the Tantrum

The storm may have passed, but that doesn't mean it's over. What happens after the tantrum is EXTREMELY important for your child's emotional development and for determining the outcome of future tantrums. 

Here you'll learn what to do to bring your child (and yourself) back to a regulated state and how to reflect and learn from the tantrum.

Let's Talk BONUSES!


Handling Tantrums in Public


Does the thought of your toddler melting down in the middle of a crowded supermarket make you want to run and hide under the covers?

Not anymore! 😉

This bonus module covers what to do when your child melts down in aisle 5 and how to PREVENT (or at least REDUCE) tantrums when you're out and about.


Handling Tantrums at Difficult Times of the Day


Bedtime, bath time, meal times, getting out of the house...ooof

These times of the day are notorious tantrum triggers.

In this bonus module, you'll learn the tools for minimizing tantrums at these difficult times of the day.


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What Other Parents Are Saying...

Dana P.

This course is a must for any parents struggling with toddler tantrums! Jessica is so relatable and the content is on point! I have a VERY stubborn three-year-old and I was feeling like I haven’t been able to ‘keep my cool’ during her outbursts. After taking this course, I feel like I have a better understanding of my three-year-old’s logic and how to respond to all of her emotions.

Gia H.

I really enjoyed this course and all of the guidance for tackling toddlerhood and the unavoidable tantrums that come along with it. I especially loved the section on toddler brain development. It has helped me gain perspective from my toddler's point of view and has helped me offer her more grace in times when she's in need of connection. I also loved Jess’s down-to-earth approach and attitude - she is in the thick of it with the rest of us! 

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End the Tantrum Struggle.

Bring more peace to your home with

Taming Toddler Tantrums

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One time payment

  • 4 Modules with 8 Short, Easy-to-Digest Video Lessons 

  • Tantrum Reflection Worksheets
  • BONUS LESSON: Handling Tantrums in Public 

  • BONUS LESSON: Handling Tantrums at Difficult Times of the Day





Yes! A 100% Money Back Guarantee

We are confident that our tantrum course will provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to help you manage your child's tantrums.

If you take our course, implement the strategies we teach, and do not see any improvement in your child's tantrums or your ability to handle them within 30 days, we will provide you with a full refund.

** Refunds must be requested in writing within this refund period.

Frequently Asked Questions